Avoid battery fires: Correct storage of rechargeable batteries and batteries is important

Rechargeable batteries and batteries require special attention during storage. It becomes particularly tricky and dangerous when a fire breaks out in a warehouse or collection point. What is the best way to prevent battery fires?

Rechargeable batteries and batteries: As useful as they are delicate

People and companies are increasingly dependent on electronic devices and technologies. Many of these devices are powered by rechargeable batteries. Without question a real gain in convenience, these energy storage units are undoubtedly extremely practical. But they also pose considerable risks, especially when it comes to their storage and disposal. Battery fires are a serious threat that should not be underestimated. A battery fire not only causes immense material damage, but can also endanger human life.

Why are battery fires so dangerous?

Rechargeable batteries and batteries consist of chemical components that can be extremely dangerous if handled or stored incorrectly. The main reason for battery fires lies in the chemical reactions that can take place inside the batteries. This is especially true if they are damaged or disposed of incorrectly. And that’s what makes battery fires so dangerous:

  • Rapid and intensive spread: Battery fires develop extremely quickly and spread rapidly. The chemical reactions inside a battery generate enormous heat. Once the fire has started, it spreads with frightening speed, which considerably reduces the reaction time required to fight the fire effectively.
  • Toxic fumes: Burning rechargeable batteries and batteries releases toxic fumes that are hazardous to both the environment and human health. These vapors can lead to respiratory problems, dizziness and other health impairments. It is therefore important to fight such fires in controlled environments in order to minimize the impact on the population.
  • Difficult firefighting: Battery fires pose major challenges for fire departments and other emergency services. Conventional extinguishing agents are often not effective enough to fight these fires. Special extinguishing agents are required which are adapted to the burning chemical compounds. This can lead to delays in providing assistance and increase the danger for emergency services, employees and, if necessary, residents.
  • Reignition: Even if a battery fire appears to have been brought under control, there is still a risk of it flaring up again. The batteries can continue to glow after extinguishing and catch fire again if they are not properly cooled and disposed of.

The dangers of battery storage and battery collection points

Not only battery fires in small and large electronic devices are a risk. The storage of unused or damaged batteries and improper disposal at battery collection points also pose serious risks. Here are some of the most important aspects that should be considered:

  • Improper storage: If batteries are stored without adequate insulation or protection against damage, there is a risk of short circuits or leakage, which in turn can lead to fire. It is important to store batteries in a cool and dry place and to protect them from impact or moisture.
  • Incorrect disposal: Battery collection points are designed to collect old or defective batteries and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Nevertheless, batteries often end up in normal household waste or even in waste paper. If batteries end up in the trash and are compressed, they can be damaged and start a fire.
  • Arson and vandalism: Battery collection points and disposal containers are sometimes victims of arson or vandalism. This poses a danger not only to the environment, but also to those nearby when the fire breaks out.

How can battery fires be avoided?

There are many ways to minimize the risk of a battery fire. Optimum storage is one of the most important measures:

  • Correct temperature: Store batteries in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place. Ideally, the ambient temperature should be between 15°C and 25°C. Excessively high temperatures reduce the service life of the batteries, while excessively low temperatures impair performance. Ensure that the storage environment is dry and the batteries are protected from moisture. Moisture leads to corrosion and damage.
  • Separation from other materials: Always store the batteries separately from flammable materials or other energy sources to minimize the risk of fire.
  • Non-combustible base: The storage unit should be made of a non-combustible base such as concrete or tiles to reduce the risk of fire or damage caused by leaking liquids.
  • Secure storage: Ensure that the batteries are placed securely and cannot fall over. Large batteries are heavy and should therefore be placed on a stable shelf or on a suitable storage surface. Do not leave individual, small rechargeable batteries and batteries lying around loose, for example in a drawer.
  • Disposal of damaged batteries: Damaged or defective batteries should be disposed of properly and as quickly as possible in order to minimize safety risks.
  • Trained personnel: Employees should be trained in correct storage and correct behavior in the event of a fire.
  • Fire protection measures: Ensure that fire extinguishers and other fire protection equipment are nearby. If a battery fire breaks out, keep your distance and call the fire department immediately.

Perfect monitoring of battery storage systems with the Kentix MultiSensor-TI

Conclusion: When storing batteries, fire prevention and early fire detection are more important than in other industrial buildings, as batteries contain hazardous substances. It is advisable to use temperature and humidity sensors to ensure that the storage conditions are optimal. Excessive heat or moisture can impair the stability of the batteries and increase the risk of fire. For this reason, it is crucial to continuously monitor these parameters and take appropriate action in the event of deviations. Early detection of irregularities can help to prevent fires before they break out.

This is exactly where the Kentix Multisensor comes in. With its help, fires can be detected at an early stage – often hours or even days before the fire breaks out. This is because its built-in sensors continuously monitor various parameters such as temperature, humidity, dew point, smoldering fire (CO), air quality, air pressure, movement and acceleration/vibration. This provides the storage room with comprehensive protection against numerous potential physical threats – not just a possible fire (read more about early fire detection). The MultiSensor-TI thus makes a valuable contribution to safety and fire prevention in battery storage facilities and battery collection points.

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