Data center security: with just one system – Kentix

In today’s digital world, security in the data center is of great importance. With the increasing threat of cybercrime and data loss, it is more important than ever that companies protect their IT infrastructure effectively.

A data center is a place where data is processed and stored. It is crucial that this data is secure and protected from unauthorized access. The security of a data center is guaranteed by various measures. This includes physical security measures and technical security measures such as firewalls, encryption and regular updates. Digitalization plays an important role in this context, as it offers new opportunities to improve the security of data centers. By using artificial intelligence and machine learning, for example, anomalies in the system can be detected and quickly rectified. All in all, the digital transformation represents an opportunity for companies to make their IT infrastructure more secure and thus strengthen the trust of their customers.

What security measures can secure data centers?

Various measures must be taken to ensure the security of a data center. An important role is played here:

  • Physical access restrictions
    • Biometric identification systems / access controls
    • Surveillance cameras
    • Alarm systems
  • Regular review of IT systems and infrastructure
  • Effective emergency management

Digitalization can help here by providing automated systems for detecting threats or managing access rights. Overall, however, it is important that all security measures are continuously reviewed and updated in order to maintain the protection of the data center.

Access control in the data center

Access controls in the data center are important. This is because they ensure that only authorized persons and employees are granted access. The following aspects should be considered when it comes to access control:

  1. Implementation of multi-factor authentication: Use of multiple methods to ensure that only authorized persons have access to the data center. This can be done using a combination of password, fingerprint and RFID card, for example.
  2. Video monitoring of access: Installation of cameras and sensors at entrances and other relevant areas to monitor access and detect suspicious activity.
  3. Employee training: Employees should know how to handle access control and which behaviors are inappropriate.
  4. Use of an access log: documentation of who enters the data center and when. This allows you to see who had access and whether there were any irregularities.

Efficient emergency management and alerting in the event of fire and intrusion in the data center and data center

It is important that every data center and data center has an emergency management and alarm system to ensure that all necessary measures are taken immediately in the event of a fire or intrusion. The system must be able to track and coordinate the steps so that the impact on the company is minimized.

This can include early fire detection systems including smoke detectors, but also automatic notification of forgotten open doors or windows. Automated control of the environmental conditions in the data center, such as temperature, humidity or dust, is also important.

  • Kentix offers all functionalities for securing data centers and data centers in one system. The advantages are obvious:
  • 100% IoT – local and secure – fully integrated into your IT
  • Information always and everywhere available with the app
  • 8-in-1 system for monitoring more than 40 hazards
  • Open interfaces for maximum compatibility
  • Unlimited expandability – even across departments and locations

Learn more about security for data centers with Kentix

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