When the fire alarm goes off, it’s too late

Time and again, devastating fires break out in server rooms. Only recently, a fire broke out in the server room of a high-rise office building in Frankfurt. The result: major and expensive damage to property and sometimes long IT downtimes. When conventional fire alarms sound the alarm, it is already too late. Kentix multisensor technology, on the other hand, can detect a fire before it starts. Four-factor early fire detection detects critical signs hours to days in advance.

The multisensor is inconspicuous. But the small black box conceals sophisticated technology that constantly monitors the environment for four factors: The carbon monoxide value, the air quality and the temperature rise are measured. The integrated thermal image sensor detects thermal hotspots. These four values can be used to detect critical factors that could trigger a fire at an early stage. This can be a developing smoldering fire or a short circuit.

The multisensor can do even more

However, as its name suggests, the multisensor can do more than just detect fires at an early stage. By monitoring temperature, air pressure and humidity, vibration and the option of activating external alarm devices, the multi-sensor is able to reliably detect up to 40 physical hazards. Depending on the size of the room to be monitored, the sensor is available with a viewing angle of 40° or 90°. This makes it easy to monitor areas from 0.5 to 50 square meters.

Intuitive operation with KentixONE

The multisensor does not require any additional components to function. The KentixONE software is already integrated into every multisensor and ready to go. This not only ensures intuitive operation, but the security system can also be expanded with additional Kentix devices as required. This makes the multisensor a future-proof all-rounder when it comes to (server) room monitoring. More information about the multisensor:

By the way: You can experience the multisensor live. And many other Kentix products to touch in a live demo. We will come to you with our show truck. Click here to find out when and where we will be in your area: Kentix Roadshow

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