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Johanniter Unfallhilfe secures daycare center against break-ins and key chaos with IoT system from Kentix

Johanniter Unfallhilfe secures daycare center against break-ins and key chaos with IoT system from Kentix

Increased break-ins at the daycare centers, complicated and time-consuming use of the previous key locking system and no way to investigate break-ins and vandalism. The Aachen-Düren-Heinsberg regional association of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e. V. was faced with these problems. To overcome these challenges, the association was looking for a new, intuitive and powerful system that would make it easy to manage access authorizations and at the same time ensure that the premises of day-care centres were secure.

The right solution was quickly found

With the help of Kentix and its system partner Telekom Deutschland GmbH, the solution was quickly found. After a convincing demonstration in a small test environment, the system was installed. Components from the area of environmental monitoring were used to monitor the premises by means of motion detection (Kentix SmartMonitoring) and 24/7 online access systems to replace conventional locking systems (Kentix SmartAccess). The enormous scalability and simple operation as well as the additional benefit of being able to monitor up to 20 hazards such as fire with one sensor convinced the decision-makers at Johanniter Unfall-Hilfe of the Kentix all-in-one system. Another, if not the most important aspect in favor of the new system was that all system components come from one manufacturer. As a rule, locking systems and surveillance monitoring can only be supplied by different manufacturers.

The Johanniter daycare center “Schatzkiste” in Wassenberg therefore opted for a comprehensive security solution from Kentix. In addition to the “DoorLock” locking system for the entrance and interior doors, “Multi-Sensor-RF-BAT” wireless sensors were also installed for comprehensive monitoring of the premises. The implementation of the convenient and intuitive access solution using RFID readers with LED signaling made day-to-day operations considerably easier. Both the facility manager, Daniel Horn, and the Kentix key account manager, Stephan Kehlen, were very satisfied with the performance of the new locking system. The wireless installation of the wireless door handles was easy to carry out without the need for complex special tools. In addition, a robust radio door knob with matching profile cylinder was easily retrofitted, which contributed to the improved security of the facility.

Both the planning in advance and the technical implementation went perfectly. The commitment in both planning and implementation is exactly what the customer wants and imagines. The system is simple and intuitive to use. Administration via LDAP saves me a lot of time when configuring and managing the system. Our travel times can thus be minimized and we are always informed about what is happening in our daycare centres as soon as staff are no longer on site. In addition to the burglar alarm system, Kentix also provides us with a fire detection system.

Tim Hermanski, Head of IT/TK department

Comprehensive monitoring of public buildings is simple and straightforward

Even though Kentix’s origins – its home, so to speak – lie in the server room and its monitoring, the possibilities opened up by IoT technology are almost limitless. The monitoring solution is used practically everywhere where environmental conditions need to be monitored or access needs to be controlled and regulated. The example of Johanniter Unfallhilfe is an impressive demonstration of the wide range of possible applications for Kentix monitoring solutions.

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